A Missions Collaborative in and for
New England

How we support churches:

Encounter Culture Missions Collaborative

We come alongside established churches (both traditional congregations and “extended families on mission”) through collaborative coaching and events like Encounter Weekends, Aftermath, and Kingdom Training to equip followers of Jesus to multiply healthy disciples with a missionary mindset.

Our goal is to help you see:

A missionary - in every neighborhood
An outpost - in every town
A collective - in every city

For 12+ years, the Gospel of the Kingdom ethos of Encounter Culture with unique focus on “healing of the whole person” and “walking in the light” has fueled a disciple-making movement here in New England by producing healthy, transformed lovers of Jesus who encounter his presence and so walk empowered in his character and skills.

A Proven Process to Multiply Disciples

Encounter Weekends

Healing. Freedom. Identity.

These catalytic weekends immersed in the power of the Gospel establish a paradigm for a Iife filled with radical, safe, authentic vulnerability, and transformation.

Aftermath Groups

Care. Growth. Accountability

These 12-week post-encounter cohorts of 4-8 are designed to reinforce your renewed identity as a disciple through care and challenge, providing accountability to help you meet personal goals.

Kingdom Training

Equipping. Empowering. Releasing

 Kingdom is an in-person, intensive course where ordinary people explore together what it means to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God and how to minister to others in prayer for anyone who needs it.

Missionary Pathway

Support. Competence. Confidence.

A series of huddles for ordinary people looking to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to their individual contexts. Huddle attendees establish new missionary mindsets in a supportive cohort as they begin living the mission.

Explore our full suite of events and resources

The goal of all our resources is to put the mission of God
into the hands of
ordinary people.

Upcoming Events